Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Frontpagemag interview with William J. Murray about Iraqi Christian Refugees

Here's an interview on with William J. Murray, the chairman of the Religious Freedom Coalition in Washington, DC. About Murray:
During the early 1980's, he served as director of Freedom's Friends, an organization which reached out to the victims of communism worldwide. In the 1990's, he founded the first commercial Bible publishing company in the Soviet Union. For many years his organizations operated evangelistic tours to the Soviet Union for Christians.

From his office in Washington, D.C., Mr. Murray continues to work for the rights of Christians in America and persecuted Christians around the world. Under his guidance, the Religious Freedom Coalition assists Palestinian Christian families and supports Christian schools in the West Bank. He also directs aid to Iraqi Christian refugees who have fled Islamic extremism.

Here is an excerpts from the interview: Plight of Christians in Iraq
FP: The international community and media in general seem to be awfully disinterested when Muslims persecute Christians and other non-Muslims. Why?

Murray: It is just politically incorrect in left leaning media circles to write about the persecution of Christians. The media also turns a blind eye to slavery which openly exists in Muslim nations. The prejudice against Christianity within European and American news outlets is so great that any religion or philosophy such as Islam or atheism is viewed as a better alternative.

FP: Tell us more about the state of the Iraq refugee situation.

Murray: Literally millions of Iraqis, both Christian and Muslim, have fled to neighboring nations. Most Christians have fled to Syria, because it is the last truly secular nation in the Middle East. It is a secular dictatorship, as was Iraq before our invasion. The only safe place for Christians, Jews and other non-Muslims in the Middle East are secular dictatorships. President Carter destroyed the secular government in Iran. Iraq is in chaos and now Condi Rice has targeted the secular dictatorship in Syria, about the last safe place in the Middle East for non Muslims.

The condition of the refugees, particularly the Christians, is appalling. In Amman, Jordan there are no tent cities and no official refugee sites. Instead, as many as three or four families live in one apartment. Iraqis are forbidden to work in Jordan or Syria and often the children are put to work instead. Middle class women whose husbands were murdered in Iraq before they fled, have been forced into prostitution.

Read it all...

Do you know why the plight of Jews in Iraq is no longer relevant? Because most of them fled between 1944 to 1952, after Iraqi Muslims who idolized Hitler committed riots against them and looted their property. (Some Iraqis claim it was all an exaggeration created by Zionist agents trying to provoke Jews to leave, the relatives of those hanged in the streets of Baghdad beg to differ).

Murray is a bit delusional towards the Syrian treatment of Jews, most have fled between 1950 to 1970. Also, secular dictatorship are not the most friendly to non-Muslims and minorities, Israel is. Israel is a Jewish Democracy (and there's no conflict in these terms). If the demographic balance would erase the "Jewish" part of Israel's regime definition, it would be as hellish as Lebanon.

Regarding the criticism of Condi's pressure on Syria: I don't believe a regime change is what Syria needs - but it should definitely be forced to cease it's support of terror groups like Hezbollah and Hammas, and should never be allowed to possess Nuclear bombs. They tried to purchase some from N' Korea and were thwarted by Israel and the CIA. In places like the middle east, you should always be wary of who might replace the top guy of an evil pyramid.

Which leads me to write the following:

Why I continuously stand against US war in Iraq

I'm sorry, I just don't believe in Democracy in the Muslim world. It turns into Islamic republics with fake out elections. It turns into tribal disputes and civil wars. That was the case for Lebanon which scared away the majority of the Christian population, that was the case for Iran - where Carter pushed for "civil rights reform" which lead to the Islamic revolution, and the US's involvement in Iraq toppled a secular dictatorship (evil dictator, indeed) only to bring upon religious and tribal disputes which further undermine the stability of the region. The vision of democratizing the middle east was not short sighted - it was blind-sighted because it did not recognize of the nature of the people dwelling there.

You may disagree with that opinion on factual basis, but if you do so only because your party line says so - you are a political zombie, sorry. As much as Saddam was an evil troll, his replacement is not better. The US should never put it's own soldiers at risk to bring birth to a nation governed by Sharia. The US mission there right now is to diffuse and disband Al-Qaeda (while leaving the Shea militia alone as long as they stay relatively quiet). I hope the DIRECT involvement there ends soon after the election.

Why against supporting militarily and financially a nation governed by Sharia? Specifically because the regime then persecutes those who religiously are outside of the "acceptable range of beliefs". Even those who are "protected" (Dhimmi) - are protected after they pay ransom (Jizya). And even then heavy and unjust laws are stacked against them, making them less than second class citizens. The enforcement of Dhimmitude is a process of slow elimination of the culture of the Dhimmis which at most places used to be the dominant one prior to the invasion of Islam - or the dominance of Islam (Egypt, Nigeria, Malaysia for example).

A reminder to an overlooked issue:

Is it really surprising that European nations with barely any population of their own accept refugees who are labeled "Palestinian" and not Christians?

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