Not that Obama, EU and UN would ever care to realize. They apply their pressure according to their mysterious 'interest'. Which regardless of reality always align with pressure on Israel and no comment to the Arabs.

(Lynch mob thank the Jews for trojan horse Oslo accord in 2001)
Fatah says will intensify 'popular struggle'
Two days after Fatah member arrested in Bethlehem, senior PA officials threaten to intensify activity against settlements, West Bank barrier and 'Judaization' of Jerusalem
While Jerusalem and Washington hope to resume the Israeli-Palestinian peace talks as soon as possible, senior Fatah officials have called to intensify the "popular struggle" against the Jewish state.
”All options are on the table," senior Palestinian Authority official Jibril Rajoub said Tuesday, citing the weekly protests in Bilin and Naalin against the West Bank barrier as examples of the ongoing Palestinian struggle against Israel.
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