Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Fmr Sec of State Lawrence Eagleburger: Obama's treatment of Israel=Playing with fire,Dynamite!

A must watch, H/T to Gateway Pundit

Arab 'peace partners' to intensify 'popular struggle' (murder Jews)

Oslo accord? Signing binding documents according to international law? That's just taqiya to get 'da jooooos'.

Not that Obama, EU and UN would ever care to realize. They apply their pressure according to their mysterious 'interest'. Which regardless of reality always align with pressure on Israel and no comment to the Arabs.

(Lynch mob thank the Jews for trojan horse Oslo accord in 2001)

Fatah says will intensify 'popular struggle'
Two days after Fatah member arrested in Bethlehem, senior PA officials threaten to intensify activity against settlements, West Bank barrier and 'Judaization' of Jerusalem

While Jerusalem and Washington hope to resume the Israeli-Palestinian peace talks as soon as possible, senior Fatah officials have called to intensify the "popular struggle" against the Jewish state.

”All options are on the table," senior Palestinian Authority official Jibril Rajoub said Tuesday, citing the weekly protests in Bilin and Naalin against the West Bank barrier as examples of the ongoing Palestinian struggle against Israel.

Hamas, rulers of Gaza, rob banks

Sharia paradise - materializing.

Hamas seizes $270,000 in frozen funds from bank
Employees of a Gaza bank say Hamas police officers seized $270,000 from a Gaza City branch, claiming they had a court order allowing them to take funds that had been frozen by their Palestinian rivals in Fatah.

The Islamic militant group has been in a bitter dispute with the Western-backed leaders of Fatah since seizing control of the Gaza Strip in 2007 in battles that left the Palestinians with rival governments. Fatah controls the West Bank.

Bank staff spoke on condition of anonymity for fear of reprisals.

Hamas Interior Ministry spokesman Ehab Ghussein confirmed money was taken and said the funds were for a Gaza medical organization whose assets had been frozen by the Fatah-led Palestinian Authority in the West Bank.

I found my new favorite TV show in Israel: Ramzor

Ramzor means 'Traffic Light', but the show is about coupling and relationship and is very-very funny. Like Seinfeld on steroids.

Available on demand via channel 2 website, in Hebrew only, with Hebrew subtitles...

watch Ramzor online

Monday, March 29, 2010

Happy Passover

First time in a loooong time with all the family in Israel for us :-)

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Obama is HATED in Israel

I'll just mention that yesterday I saw 'Eretz Nehederet' - Israel's version of Saturday Night Live where they made a sketch about Obama/Netanyahu meeting. It was more sad than funny as it actually merely depicted what was already reported. Obama dictated, then left for dinner - leaving Bibi baffled. The humiliation was scorning. It ended with a burning of the American flag 'accidentally', at which point I cringed. (The rest of the show I watched through my dreams as the jet leg caught up to me...)

I'll finish this post with a link to Solomonia excellent sum up with many links to what everyone by now recognizes:
Our First Anti-Israel President?

Liar in chief, a throwback:

Thursday, March 25, 2010

KFC Goes Halal in Britainistan

I might have 'double posted' the substance of the following post at Weasel Zippers and that's why it was taken off - however, the content of the post had more to it - so I'm bringing it back here, for better or worse. To Ray - your comments will be blocked here.

This one is dedicated to reader Ray - who thinks the USA is worse off and that the Arabs should have murdered all those Jewish terrorists in the 40-s as they ran for their lives out of Europe. Stay classy nationalist British people - you bring no hope for your home country - as your only answer to onslaught of Islam is racism. Good luck with that.

Moonbattery: KFC Goes Halal in Britainistan

not to say any of us are happy of kowtowing to Islam in the US. It's just that we have a few sane people here who manage to focus their criticism of Islam without being a local version of the Nazi party.

And if anyone is confused as to what I'm discussing here, please review comments on this thread on Zip. Allow me to be clear on my condemnation of Racists of all creeds.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

British FM Miliband has new BFFs - Hamas

Congratulation England - the Chador will surely fit your queen. (I'm sorry normal people in England - I know the government does not represent you)

The new queen clothes - the day seems closer than ever.

The Hindu reports: Hamas welcomes British move

Eating well in Israel, well - too well

I've been having some 'healthy lunches' while visiting in Israel this week. From morning walks to the local bakery for fresh and yummy Burekas, to gut exploding homous with meat and Shawarma meat. Mmmmm.... well, next week is 'Matza' week - so it'll be a different kind of culinary assault.

For my Hebrew readers, here's a bummer article from Maariv regarding what these foods do to us. To my American pals - see you soon, I'm safe and happy with family for now.

From Shakshuka to Shawamra, how unhealthy is it?

Translated here.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Arab MKs want to see Arab blood seeking ignition of Holy Religous War against Israel

Someone put this Hamas member in Jail and strip his parliamentary rights already!
MK Talab El-Sana Threatens Israel from Temple Mount
Member of Knesset Talab El-Sana (United Arab List – Ta'al) arrived on Jerusalem’s Temple Mount on Tuesday and urged the Arab League to initiate a United Nations Security Council resolution against the State of Israel, which would impose sanctions if the Jewish state continues to build Jewish homes in Judea, Samaria or most of Jerusalem. El-Sana, who visited the site with members of the Higher Arab Monitoring Committee, called the Netanyahu government dangerous and irresponsible and accused it of leading the region into another war.

Igniting flames of rioters, wishing to see them dead so that more can follow and a new stream of suicide attacks can commence. Arabs have only one recipe for the future at any point in time. More riots, more blood, more 'revenge'.

Peaceful Arabs Promoting 'Peace'.

Ynet: Dozens injured in J'lem riots

JPost explained who instigated the violence, besides Arab MKs: Hamas: Palestinians must launch intifada

But international media works hard to find other excuses... It's probably because Israel will build new homes for in over populated Haredi Jewish neighborhoods in Jerusalem. Must be - Biden said so. Nothing to do with Jihadi ideology and desire to eradicate Israel and commit genocide upon Jews. Nope. Nothing like that. Willful blindness will bring another catastrophe on all involved parties.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Shawarma on Marines base

Well - it's true that I visited Quantico VA Marines base two weeks ago, but I have nothing of value to report from there. (Except being glad to not be there anymore) But this post refers to new food stands at another base - where they serve Middle Eastern food. Good for them, nothing wrong with satisfying taste buds.

IMHO, the best Shawarma is to be found in Israel, where I'll be flying to with family this Thursday, so you won't be hearing much from me for next couple of weeks.

Marines, enjoy your Shawarma :-)
Shawarma, Ready-to-Eat: Arab Cuisine Invades Camp Pendleton

Denise Hazime, a Muslim woman, contacted food services officials here last July with what she thought might sound like a preposterous proposal: She wanted to open an Arabic food stand on the largest Marine base on the West Coast.

It turned out to be an appetizing idea. Marines returning from Iraq and the Persian Gulf were pining for pita, according to focus-group surveys conducted on the base.

Last month, Ms. Hazime and her husband, a Marine veteran, opened "Dede Med's Shawarma House"—the first Arabic food stand on a base with a daytime population of 60,000 hungry Marines and civilians.

Minutes after the place opened, Travis Post, a Marine captain from Oklahoma who had been stationed in Iraq for seven months, pulled up in his car. "So you've really got shawarma back there?" Mr. Post asked, referring to the spicy grilled meat sandwich popular throughout the Middle East.

"You want one?" asked Ms. Hazime's husband, Crisantos Hajibrahim, who was working the cash register.

"Heck, yeah!" Mr. Post responded. While training Iraqi police, he had shared meals with locals daily. "There was a lot of lamb in my life," he says.

As Mr. Post grabbed his $7 sandwich and walked away, he yelled,"You'll see me next week."

For decades, American troops have been on the front lines of foreign cuisine, sampling exotic foods during even the most dangerous conflicts.

Since 2001, more than 2 million military service members have been deployed to the Middle East. While many take their meals on U.S. bases there that serve American-style food, those sent to villages and neighborhoods quickly learn about lamb, flat bread, and the ubiquitous chickpea. In the Middle East, shared meals are often a key part of forming bonds and winning trust.

"They're deploying to that part of the world and they're developing a taste for that kind of product," says Lane Jones, Camp Pendleton's director of community services.

Camp Pendleton—a sprawling, 125,000 acre base 38 miles from downtown San Diego, had already been expanding its cuisine, adding Mexican, Chinese and soul-food places. But Ms. Hazime's shawarma stand is a more delicate proposition than the base's planned opening of a Panda Express selling Americanized Chinese food.

Report presents more proof: Hamas used children as human shields

And 1+1=2, unless you are a member of the Obama admin, or a delegate to UN, or your name might end with 'Goldstone'.

Asshole, self loathing, wouldn't want to even let him be known as Jew. Judge Goldstone, of anti-Semetic creed fame.
JPost: 'Hamas used kids as human shields'
Hamas gunmen used Palestinian children as human shields, and established command centers and Kassam launch pads in and near more than 100 mosques and hospitals during Operation Cast Lead in the Gaza Strip last year, according to a new Israeli report being released on Monday that aims to counter criticism of the IDF.

The detailed 500-page report, obtained exclusively by The Jerusalem Post, was written by the Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center (Malam), a small research group led by Col. (res.) Reuven Erlich, a former Military Intelligence officer who works closely with the army.

The IDF and the Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) cooperated with the report’s authors and declassified hundreds of photographs, videos, prisoner interrogations and Hamas-drawn sketches as part of an effort to counter the criticism leveled at Israel in the UN-sponsored Goldstone Report.

Related: Israel’s first real response to Goldstone

Work on the Malam report began immediately after former judge Richard Goldstone issued his damning report of Israel’s offensive in the Gaza Strip in September.

One example of the material revealed in the Malam report is an-until-now classified sketch of the village of Beit Lahiya in northern Gaza discovered by IDF troops during the operation, that details the extensive deployment of improvised explosive devices (IEDs) and snipers inside and adjacent to civilian homes.

The sketch was discovered in a home of a Hamas operative together with several IEDs and Kalashnikov rifles.

“The Goldstone Report is one-sided, biased, selective and deceptive, since it simply accepts Hamas claims at face value and presents everything through Hamas’s eyes,” Erlich said.


Read it all...

Sharia Q&A: Is meat still hallal after sex with it? Consider true recent occurance

I just didn't want to use the obvious headline: A Muslim man fucked cattle. Can we still eat it?

I'll let 'Creeping Sharia' take it from here: Kuwaiti hospitalized after sex with animals, Muslims ask if animals still edible



Speculations, or actually accepting news at face value

Contrarian Thought: It’s all Bibi’s fault

I’m playing with this notion. I’m not expressing it as an actual truth. Suppose I accept Joe Biden’s speech at face value, and his condemnation and hurt feelings as he stated them.

Then the chain of events as described by the media is as follows:

• Biden arrives in Israel to reaffirm good relations between Israel and USA and jump start peace negotiations.
• Bibi gets cold feet regarding prospect of signing anything that leads to a Palestinian state with sovereignty over Kotel. Orders quick jab and makes sure Biden is notified of plans for new construction in ‘eastern Jerusalem’
• Biden, surrounded by far lefty loons such as Chris Mathews, becomes enraged and takes this move personally – decides to skip dinner with Bibi.
• Eventually, he decides that would be too much and actually sits for dinner with Bibi – but makes sure he makes Bibi wait. If he could, he would sit Bibi at a lower chair.
• The conversation over dinner becomes a harsh exchange of words, at which Biden become convinced Bibi is doing it all on purpose.
• Biden reaches the conclusion the USA cannot continue putting pressure on Iran while Bibi is in charge, and refuses to kowtow to USA’s demands regarding Palestinian state.
• Biden gives a speech in Tel Aviv University, stressing USA’s commitment against Iranian nukes and how Bibi personally hurts those efforts.
• As soon as Biden gets on plane back, phones Obama and demands further actions against Bibi. It’s all personal.
• Clinton phones Bibi, media in the USA finally catches up to flare up of emotions and deterioration in relations, anti-Semites in Obama's administration seize opportunity to advance Islamic goals on Israel’s expense.

Buying it? Or does the prior post makes more sense? What would be the goal of the public flogging the Obama admin is inflicting on Israel?

Morning speculations

Update: I just read on walla that Israel's Musad chief thinks recent artificial crisis is result of Obama's 'Global Islamic Agenda'. WOW, not sure it's true.

It seems that not everyone in the USA has gone insane with anti-Israeli opinions. Check out an op-ed on Wall-Street Journal: Obama's Turn Against Israel

I'm sure we'll see more of these very soon. In the meanwhile, here's a bunch of conspiratory speculations I came up with - if anyone quotes them as facts he deserves a head check. I'm just guessing here;

List of things the USA admin might really be angry about and why they might have started recent crisis with Israel:

• Obama needed an excuse to stop any efforts to halt Iran's nukes.
• Sabotaging CIA operations in Iran and Dubai by assassination of Hamas leader
• Snubbing a few Hamas sponsoring congressmen as they toured Israel with anti-Israel group ‘J-Street’
• So called ‘blockade’ of Gaza. Obama and his people made a few statements regarding this, accepting all Hamas-propaganda and deflecting reality.
• Acceptance of several anti-Semitic creeds published blaming Israel ties and Jewish lobbies for the ills of the world. Promotions to every anti-Semite inside CIA and FBI to key positions. Listening to Jeremiah Wright.
• Stopping CIA vehicles at roadblocks around west bank as they employ Arabs – who try to run over soldiers at stops, and smuggle people in and out without any coordination.
• Nobel Peace prize demands a sacrifice. Jews are the easy target.
• Obama could be offended that France is more adamant regarding Iran then he is, blaming da-jooooos for this ‘affront’.
• Israel’s refusal to allow more funds to Gaza (which they do allow, and Obama does fund)
• Vengeance due to public opinion of Obama in Israel. A whole 7% approval rating.
• It’s a policy dictated by the same guy who wants to cut NASA funds and force it to give away technology to Muslim countries
• It’s a policy by the guy who hired Sami-Al-Arian supporter as advisor, speech writer, and emissary to OIC
• This is the result of ‘engagement’ with OIC
• The behind closed doors result of talks between Iran and Obama
• Israel’s arms makers competition with USA’s created lobbyist pressure and Obama is acting to assist American industry.(Very unlikely, those were Bush’s actions)
• Sale of arms to Moscow. (Again, unlikely – Obama standing for USA’s interests again Russia? Nope)
• Angry about Israel’s reaction to renewed ties with Syria
• Israel might have said a word or two regarding USA’s assistance to Lebanon while they are defacto controlled by Hezbollah
• Obama blaming all the Al-Queda attacks on the USA since he got in on the Israel-USA relationship and wishes to end it.

Leverage the USA might be using behind closed doors against Israel:

• Promote UN declaration of Palestinian state.
• Promote Goldstone blood libel to UNSC, followed by anti Israel measures at UNSC
• Prevent crucial arms orders and parts necessary to deal with Hezbollah, Syria and Iran
• Supply even more advanced weaponry to Jordan, Egypt, Saudi-Arabia
• Cutting military financing (that’s the only aid Israel receives from America – USA made and financed military goods)
• Actively exposing Israeli intelligence operations (that would be the worst one country can do to another)
• Hurting major Israeli business interests
• Promoting EU sanctions against Israel
• Promoting Quartet pressure on Israel
• More funds to Gaza
• Further actual public humiliation of Israel through very public rebukes
• Not doing a thing regarding Iran. That is, continue to do nothing.
• Ending diplomatic ties, starting sanctions. (With this administration? Everything’s possible)
• Sanctions on Israel’s arms producers
• Vetoes on Israel’s arms deals around the world
• Preventing Israeli citizens from entering USA with tourist Visas (Oh – wait, they are already making it difficult)
• Bomb Jewish Cities. (This is one of the great advice given to Obama by certain anti-Semites he hired as advisors)

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Biden, Clinton, Axelrod: Dwelling for Jews - an afront to USA, burning Jewish babies - not so much

Cross posted on zip.

There have actually been more than 7 terror attacks on Jews by Arabs in the last 4 months. All 7 had actual human beings hurt - none caused any comment by USA's officials. Also, the PA has named a square after an arch terrorist while Biden was visiting, and still not a peep. The following is just an example of the kind of barbarity current USA admin has no trouble with and expects victims to ignore as well.

Arab Firebomb Wounds Father and Baby Son on Highway 443

Arab terrorists lightly wounded a father and his nine-month-old baby boy on Saturday night with a firebomb (Molotov cocktail) on “terror highway 443," which connects Jerusalem with the city of Modi’in. The terrorists escaped. Medics treated the father and baby at the scene.

Loony Uncle Joe - Frick you.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

A sign American Jews are getting fed up with Obama: ADL condemns harsh reaction to Jerusalem construction

That's ADL - which tried to paint itself as ACLU recently, which has leaders making cheap shots against right wingers in the USA on behalf of the Democratic party. THAT ADL.

New York, NY, March 12, 2010 … The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) today said it was shocked and stunned by the Administration's public dressing down of Israel by saying it had "undermined trust and confidence in the peace process, and in America's interests," as related by Assistant Secretary of State Philip J. Crowley in his daily briefing. Crowley was referring to the announcement about future building in Jerusalem made during Vice President Joe Biden's Israel visit.

Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director, issued the following statement:

We are shocked and stunned at the Administration's tone and public dressing down of Israel on the issue of future building in Jerusalem. We cannot remember an instance when such harsh language was directed at a friend and ally of the United States. One can only wonder how far the U.S. is prepared to go in distancing itself from Israel in order to placate the Palestinians in the hope they see it is in their interest to return to the negotiating table.

It is especially troubling that this harsh statement came after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu publicly and privately explained to Vice President Biden the bureaucratic nature in making the announcement of proposed new building in Jerusalem, and Biden accepted the prime minister's apology for it. Therefore, to raise the issue again in this way is a gross overreaction to a point of policy difference among friends.

The Administration should have confidence and trust in Israel whose tireless pursuit for peace is repeatedly rebuffed by the Palestinians and whose interests remain in line with the United States.

They also had a word for EU regarding accepting Protocls of Zion Goldstone Report:
ADL Says European Parliament Decision To Endorse Goldstone Report 'Outrageous'

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) called yesterday's decision by the European Parliament to endorse the recommendations of the U.N. Goldstone Commission Report "outrageous."

The resolution passed with 335 votes in favor, 287 against and 43 abstentions.

Robert G. Sugarman, ADL National Chair, and Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director issued the following statement:

The European Parliament's action mimics the U.N. Human Rights Council – passing special resolutions that obsess over Israel and support biased and illegitimate reports designed to cast Israel as an outlaw state. This counterproductive stand-alone resolution repeats earlier calls for implementation of the Goldstone recommendations already in its omnibus February 25th resolution. This unnecessary "piling on" against Israel is clearly intended to raise the level of criticism against Israel.

The narrow passage in the European Parliament shows that some representatives understand the danger of the Goldstone Report, while others have simply lost their bearings. The contrast with the U.S. Congress, which voted overwhelmingly to call the Goldstone Report "irredeemably biased and unworthy of further consideration or legitimacy," couldn't be starker.

Friday, March 12, 2010

In what parallel universe is building homes for Jews in Jerusalem an insult to the USA?!

Who is leading the United States these days? The Muslim Brotherhood?

First CNN puts it mildly:

Clinton calls Israeli announcement of new settlements insulting

Then Reuters elaborates on the tone Clinton is taking when talking to the prime minister of a sovereign friendly nation:

Clinton berates Netanyahu over settlements

In an election year, the Obama administration bets that the rest of the nation has been sitting with him listening to Jeremiah Wright and Louis Farahan at church for the last 22 years. Is it too much to think the stance Biden, Clinton and Obama are taking is borderline antisemitism?

Cross posted on Weasel Zippers

Sharia Paradise in Gaza finds new targets: Barber shops

Actually, the article says its 'Hair Stylists'. To which - I'd say Al Bundy from 'married with children' would probably agree with the Hamasholes.

Male Hair Stylists Under Threat in Gaza
Male hair stylists in Gaza are now under threat. A new order from Hamas, which rules the Gaza Strip, says any man who cuts a woman's hair will face legal consequences.

For women who wear the hijab, or headscarf, Islamic tradition forbids showing their hair to men who are not related. But hair stylists were never a problem for Hamas--until now.

"I am worried," said hair salon owner Adnan Barakat. "This is my work. This is my life."

Barakat has owned his salon in Gaza for 19 years. He says he is one of only five men who cut hair in Gaza.

Fox News has learned that a bomb was even placed outside his salon recently by extremists.

Obviously, looking like a trimmed, showered, clean and descent human being isn't Islamic. More filth, less shampoo please.

No surprise, UN employed terrorism financier

Via Weasel Zippers
Report: UN Employed Known al-Shabaab Financier in Somalia...

A Somali businessman linked to Islamist rebels who likely received a ransom paid for kidnapped French aid workers was a contractor for the World Food Program and UNICEF, a U.N. report said.
The confidential report by the U.N. Somalia Monitoring Group, seen by Reuters on Thursday, said the man, Adbdullah Ali Luway, and his links with Islamist al Shabaab militants was a case study in how U.N. agencies have unwittingly allowed aid for needy Somalis to enrich rebels and criminals.

Three French workers with humanitarian group Action Against Hunger were seized by gunmen in July 2009 and held for several months. In October, a ransom of $1.36 million was paid into an account belonging to Luway at a money transfer firm in Baidoa, Somalia, the report said.

He also receives $3,000 a month in rent from UNICEF, the United Nations children's fund, for use of a building that formerly housed the parliament of Somalia, a virtually lawless country that has lacked an effective government since 1991.

In addition to his work with the United Nations, Luway had been the "local financier" of the al Shabaab authority in Baidoa since the Islamist group took control of the area in January 2009. He is a "close associate" of Sheikh Muktar Robow Abuu Mansuur, a senior al Shabaab official, the report said.

The United States lists Robow as a terrorist.

I'm surprised Holder didn't try to recruit him to DoJ

Attention anti-Israel bleeding hearts: BBC reporter recounts his horrors at hands of Hamas

Just a note though - he had it easy AND he was released. Many have not been so lucky. Don't let the NIF, Goldstone, UN be bothered by such things though - it's always Israel and Jews in their mind who are committing 'human rights violations'. If Israelis would do a third of the evil things the Arabs are doing without a peep from the liberal hypocrites...

'Excruciating days': journalist Paul Martin recounts Gaza detention
A British journalist arrested by the Hamas authorities in Gaza has been released after nearly a month in detention.

Paul Martin was the first foreigner to be detained in Gaza since Hamas took over in the Palestinian territory in 2007.

He wasn't charged with anything but one Hamas leader has said Mr Martin was suspected of serious security offences related to his work as a journalist and of being in touch with Gazans suspected of collaborating with Israel.

In an exclusive interview for Newshour just hours after his release, the BBC's Claire Bolderson asked him how he felt after 27 days in captivity?

Click on the link for the BBC audio.

Jill Biden vists 'New Israel Fund' anti Zionism projects

Message loud and clear - 'you don't have to be Jewish to be Zionist' - what a crock of @#$@#$@##

New Israel Fund - a confusing name to an organization aimed at de-legitimizing Israel and giving aid and comfort to its enemies. What do you call a citizen who does that?

Note: This is not a smear against Jill whom I know nothing about or care to know. It's a demonstration of the kind of the agenda Obama's administration had planned for this Israel visit.

'She said nothing,' Bedouin women lament as Jill Biden comes to visit
Jill Biden, wife of Vice President Joe Biden, clearly made an impression on the children of Lakiya during her visit. "Barbie's here!" cried one.

In her bright pink dress, Biden stood out against the desert landscape of this Bedouin town. She would probably have been flattered to hear the women, clad in traditional robes, asking each other where she bought it.

Biden toured a compound belonging to the nonprofit organization Sidreh, where dozens of Bedouin women have sought empowerment and equality in recent years through projects run by various organizations. These include a weaving project sponsored by the New Israel Fund that the U.S. government also helps finance.

"It's important to us to show what these women have achieved in recent years, to break the stigma that 'Bedouin' mean nothing but 'polygamy,'" said Hanan al-Sana, who runs educational programs for Sidreh. "We've lowered the illiteracy rate, we employ 70 women and even university studies are no longer out of reach."

Biden listened attentively to the women, but did not comment, even when Rachel Liel of the NIF tried to bring politics into the discussion, complaining of a recent "smear campaign against civil society organizations because they level criticism aimed at improving the face of Israel." If Liel had hoped for a statement of support, she was disappointed.

After the tour, the women gave Biden several gifts they had woven specially for her. She told them that she, too, was a working woman, and she considers it very important for women to be independent, as those she had met today clearly were. But this brief response disappointed her hosts.

"She listened, but said nothing," complained one. "It would have been interesting to hear her opinion on the situation of women in the U.S. and worldwide, and how it would be possible to move forward."

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Biden condemns housing for Jews in Jerusalem, not a word about missile shot today which hit civilian structure

Priorities - exemplified. Biden, just quit. You're an embarrassment.

Qassam from north Gaza Strip hits Eshkol regional council
A Qassam rocket fired from the northern Gaza Strip hit a warehouse in the Eshkol regional council. No injuries were reported but the building was damaged.

How about Israel try taking more 'chances on peace'?!

Have I expressed my disliking of Biden this morning strongly enough yet?

Biden's condemnation of Israel cheered at Israeli wakademia

Biden, as we've come to know him in the US - doesn't think a lot before talking. Isn't always telling the truth, or aware of history. Wrong on strategies and tactics, voting for something before being against it, etc. We've been labeling him smirky, bullshit artist, and repeat offending gaff-myster.

So the fact that the wackos at the Tel Aviv Academia cheered his speech in Tel-Aviv, represents only those sitting in the auditorium. His behavior and remarks of the last few days were a huge embarrassment and hurt relations between Israel and the USA while potentially giving back wind to Israel's enemies. His choice to put his 'feelings' public and take every chance to side with Arabs and each and every made up grievance they told him - while choosing to play childish games with being late to dinner with Israeli Prime Minister, these actions, put the whole situation in an unforgiving mess.

Sure the speech given has some bright points, but the whole visit ends with relations and opinions of Obama and Biden in as bad, if not worse state. WHY DID HE COME? He might have single handedly sabotaged chances for actual talks, by giving Arab grievances creed. There's no excuse to refuse to talk - unless one side relies on getting concessions without giving anything back. Obama and Biden are not only enabling this, but from their first day in office have caused and maintained this debacle.

Not that I personally would like to see any new deal between Israel and Arabs. We've had enough terror due to the Oslo experiment, and Abbas doesn't represent anyone. Anything Israel might give the Arabs - they will only reciprocate with more terror. If they would be given an actual UN member state - they will turn it into Iran-2/Hamastan - where they will launch their next campaign to Murder Jews and commit the next Holocaust. That's not called peace - its called depraved deception. And Israelis are seeing through it. It's not 'taking a chance on peace' - it's gambling with lives in return for guaranteed Armageddon. Thank you - but no thanks.

Like I wrote before, Israel had better stand on its principles and resist being pressured by this administration which has proven to be hostile more often than not. Obama himself already proclaimed the 'peace process' as not a big priority. He is in a huge mess politically here in the USA and his popularity is slipping. Israeli leaders would be wise to sit this presidency out. Not that they really can - the Iranian threat is not something that can be ignored. But if anyone would start thinking about timing actions, they might recognize better opportunities to act then today or tomorrow.

Now consider the article about Biden being cheered in Tel Aviv University:
Biden appeals for no delay in Mideast peace talks (which Ynet titled in the Hebrew article as: Biden gets standing ovation at Tel Aviv university after condemning Israel)
Hundreds of people gathered Thursday morning at Tel Aviv University to listen to an address by US Vice President Joe Biden. This was the American VP's last public appearance in Israel before flying to Jordan and then back to Washington.

Biden opened the high-profile speech with warm words of praise for the Jewish state. He appeared to be trying to calm a diplomatic row that erupted during his visit over construction plans for disputed east Jerusalem.

The vice president told the audience that the US has "no better friend" than Israel. He also spoke about his long connection to Israel. But Biden also urged Israel to make a serious attempt to reach peace with the Palestinians. He told the audience that an agreement was "profoundly" in Israel's interests.

Biden said the sides must get down to the business of making peace. "To end this historic conflict, both sides must be historically bold," he said. "If each waits stubbornly ... this will go on for an eternity."

'Good faith negotiations," he said, could recognize Israeli security needs and the Palestinian goal for a viable state.

He called for no delay in resuming Israeli-Palestinian peace talks, after Palestinians said Israel must cancel a settlement project before negotiations can begin.

"The most important thing is for these talks to go forward and go forward promptly and go forward in good faith," Biden said. "We can't delay because when progress is postponed, extremists exploit our differences."

Biden also repeatedly voiced Washington's commitment to Israel's security, trying to allay any concerns the Jewish state might have, but also said an end to the conflict would restore to the Palestinians "the fundamental dignity and self-respect that their current predicament denies them."

Israeli assurances

In his speech, Biden gave no sign Washington would press Israel to cancel the project. Instead, he said he had been assured by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that construction at the site, a religious Jewish settlement, would not start for years.

Biden said Palestinians had misunderstood Israel's announcement of the settlement plan, thinking that building would begin immediately.

With no construction scheduled for now, he said, negotiators would have time to "resolve this and other outstanding issues".

Biden reiterated his condemnation of the building plan, urging both sides to avoid acts that could undermine the negotiations. "I, at the request of President Obama, condemned it immediately and unequivocally," he said.

He noted that Israel – instead of taking this chance – decided to approve the building in east Jerusalem, which undermines efforts to renew talks. His condemnation of the construction announcement received enthusiastic applause.

He added that he "appreciates" Netanyahu's response to the row. "Sometimes only a friend can deliver the hardest truths, and I appreciate ... the response by the prime minister today," the American VP said.

'Opportunity must be seized'

In his speech, Biden outlined the contours of what the US believes should be a final settlement. He said a Palestinian state must be based on the pre-1967 borders, with some modifications and strong guarantees for Israel's security.

He acknowledged the formidable obstacles that remain: The Hamas presence in Gaza, the continued captivity of Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit in Gaza, the strength of Hezbollah guerrillas to Israel's north in Lebanon, and ongoing Palestinian incitement against Israel. He said such challenges are strong reminders of Israel's security concerns.

But he also urged Israel to embrace the moderate Palestinian leadership in the West Bank, with whom he met on Wednesday.

"Israeli leaders finally have willing partners who share the goal of peace," Biden said. "Their commitment to peace is an opportunity that must be seized."

Many in the region were expected to listen to the visit's "final note" in light of the new crisis between Israel and the Palestinians following the approval of the construction of 1,600 housing units in east Jerusalem.

As part of the plan the Ramat Shlomo neighborhood in Jerusalem will be expanded southward and eastward, while upgrading the existing entry road and adding another access road from the west side.

Nir Hefetz, head of National Information Directorate at the Prime Minister's Office said in response, "The prime minister spoke with Vice President Biden and expressed his regret over the unsuccessful timing.

"Netanyahu updated Biden that the project in the Ramat Shlomo neighborhood underwent a number of planning stages in the past few years and that the final planning go-ahead will apparently only be given in more than a year and that the actual building will likely start only in another few years."

The approval of the plan by Interior Minister Eli Yishai embarrassed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and caused a lot of anger among Arab countries, leading the Palestinians to decide not to launch the indirect peace talks with Israel.

Biden himself slammed the decision during his visit to Ramallah, saying it would critically damage the efforts to build trust with the Palestinians.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

It's not that I don't have anything to post... I'm just disgusted by the news

I wanted to post 'Captain Crunch visits Holy-land' to mock Biden's diplomatic abilities. However things escalated and deteriorated so fast - I just didn't know how to wrap it up.

Things are going to hell in a hand-basket and Biden in my opinion is to blame. You be the judge though.

Unreliable 'Debka' claims the following:
* Jerusalem expansion spurred by Biden's clampdown on Israeli action on Iran
* Gates clarifies US Iran policy in Riyadh after Biden fails in Israel

AP: US-Israel row highlights quandary over settlements

"This is a global message of American weakness and Israeli arrogance," said Palestinian lawmaker Hanan Ashrawi.

The vice president's visit had been largely aimed at repairing U.S.-Israeli ties strained over the very same issue now overshadowing Biden's trip: Jewish settlements. Palestinians and the U.S. consider settlements built on lands claimed by the Palestinians to be obstacles to peace.

Biden condemned the Israeli announcement and pointedly arrived 90 minutes late to a dinner with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.


How very diplomatic.

Ynetnews: Arab League chief: Palestinians pull of talks - why should they make an effort? Obama and Biden just put all the blame on Israel again, as they continue to court and suck up to the Arabs.

Biden says Palestinians deserve 'viable' state - don't be shy, let us know where you stand Biden.

Also: Biden: You Don't Have to be Jewish to be a Zionist - so now building homes for Jews in Jerusalem is the opposite of zionism? Please Obama/Biden dumb-ass-ery - please explain how you define your approach as 'zionism'?

Meanwhile, 'friends and allies' continue to stab the Jewish people in the back - seeing that the former only 'real friend of Israel' is abandoning Israel:
European Parliament backs Goldstone report - at which point, a decent human being would say - screw you EU, Biden and other 'friends'. With friends like these - who needs enemies. And frankly, I think Israel has enough enemies. So thank you very much western world for such a great middle finger salute to the rights of Jews to live. Gee - how can you top that?

Monday, March 08, 2010

Progress in pressure on Iran

Should we give Obama credit for this progress? I would definitely like to.

Image from here. If corrupt UN members would finally care to push Iran, hopefully Iranians themselves will overthrow the lunatics.

World's biggest oil trader ends supplies to Iran
The largest oil trader in the world, Vitol, said Monday it had stopped dealing with Iran, following a report that traders were pulling out of the country as sanctions and US pressure took their toll.

The Financial Times said Vitol and its fellow trading giants Glencore and Trafigura had stopped supplying petrol to Iran.

A spokesman for Vitol told AFP: "I can confirm that our position is as covered in the Financial Times today."

One unnamed executive familiar with Iran's trade told the newspaper that Vitol had "consciously decided not to participate in Iran's tenders".

Another industry executive told the paper Switzerland-based Trafigura stopped selling to Iran about three months ago because "they have concluded that there's too much political and financial risk".

Glencore distanced itself from Iran late last year.

Although Iran is one of the world's largest oil producers, it is forced to import petrol because its refineries are dilapidated and it suffers from intense demand because of generous subsidies.

Sunday, March 07, 2010

Why should no one cheer for Israeli movie nominee for Oscar

Someone made a dumb decision in Israel to use tax funds to pay for movies produced in Israel regardless if anyone would care to watch it or not. The criteria for getting funded is somewhat foggy, but more often than not seems to rely on how much does the 'artist' hate Israel.

The Arab who made this Oscar nominated crap REALLY hates Israel - so someone give him an Oscar, a pacifier and a bottle of milk quick! Baby is having a meltdown!

Image from here

Culture Min. 'Saddened' by 'Ajami' Director's Anti-Israel Remark
Minister of Culture Limor Livnat said Sunday that she was “saddened” by the comments of Skandar Copti, the Arab co-director of the film 'Ajami', which is a candidate for receiving the Academy Award ('Oscar') for best foreign film on Sunday night. The making of the film was made possible through state funding.

Copti said that the film's designation as “Israeli” is a “technical” matter: “The money came from Israel so they write Israel, but I cannot represent a country that does not represent me... I do not represent Israel,” he told Channel 2 TV news.

The film shows scenes from the life of Arab residents of Yafo (Jaffa) and their confrontations with the Israel police. Copti's co-director was a Jew.

In the Name of Pluralism
“The film Ajami was produced and reached an Academy Award nomination thanks to the funds of the State of Israel, from which Skandar Copti is now trying to dissociate himself,” Livnat stated.

"Without the state's support, Copti would not be treading the red carpet tonight,” Livnat added. “In the name of artistic freedom and pluralism, the film was budgeted with over NIS 2 million. It is sad that a director sponsored by the state is dissociating himself from those who allowed him to create and express himself. I am happy to say that all the other people who were partners to making the film see themselves as a part of the State of Israel and are proud to represent it at the Oscar ceremony as ambassadors of free cultural creativity.”

Science Minister Daniel Hershkowitz said earlier that conceivably, "The person who directed the film with the aid of Israeli funding could wrap himself in Hamas flags this evening.”

“If the film does win an Oscar it could turn out to be a Pyrrhic victory for Israel,” he added.

This is the ninth time an Israeli film is nominated for an Oscar award. No Israeli film has yet won the coveted prize.

Saturday, March 06, 2010

Arab Logic: Muslims Accuse Israel of ‘Sacrilege’ after Stoning Jews

Here's an example of a religious ceremony conducted by hypocrite Muslims:

Image from here
Arab steps to logic:
1. Throw stones at Jews praying at western wall
2. Riot against police
3. Conduct staged evacuation of 'wounded' for world media
4. Condemn Israel at UN security council
5. Scream 'Sacrilege' for storming of 'holy site' where stones were thrown from

And Obama didn't veto UN's blame-putting proclamation.
Muslims Accuse Israel of ‘Sacrilege’ after Stoning Jews
The Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) Saturday charged Israeli police with sacrilege for surrounding the Temple Mount’s Al-Aqsa mosque on Friday to stop Arab stoning attacks on Jews trying to pray at Western Wall (Kotel). It called for international intervention to "end Israeli aggression."

The Arab attacks on Jews followed a sermon that area residents said encouraged Muslim violence.

Nearly three dozen policemen and Arabs were injured in the clash, and Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas said the Israeli defense of Jews could spark a “religious war.” The OIC accused Israel of an "a sacrilegious act of profanation of the holy Islamic site [that was] "a violation of international law and a flagrant attack on the freedom of religion of the nature that could take the region into a war between religions.”

Abbas accused Israel of trying to create a clash before agreed resumption of American-mediated talks for the establishment of the PA as an independent country. One of the PA’s demands is sovereignty over the Temple Mount and all of eastern Jerusalem, which it wants as the capital of a new Arab country within Israel’s current borders.

The protests spread through Judea and Samaria, with soldiers using rubber bullets, stun grenades and tear gas to stop a violent riot near Ramallah, located several miles north of Jerusalem. At least three people were wounded.

Violence also broke out Friday at the Cave of the Patriarchs, where Jews and Moslems pray in separate rooms.

On Saturday, the IDF caught an Arab terrorist in Samaria with three homemade bombs, and another terrorist south of Jerusalem attacked Jewish vehicles with a firebomb on Highway 60, one mile north of Gush Etzion.

Arab worshipers of Islam, So peaceful. So holy. (shit)

UNSC won't make decision on Iran,swift anti Israel proclimations, Obama won't veto

That's it - the masks are off. Obama IS anti-Israel. This administration won't be a friend of Israel in the United Nations Security Counsel - and does allow all of its enemies to go wild. Then they come up with excuses, but what just happened is inexcusable. End of story, Israel had better stand on its principles and wait for next administration, because this one is purely hostile. Democratic party has gone to the dark side - the far left side - the anti-Israeli side (and you can add whatever other conclusion regarding Obama and Hillary Clinton as you wish, I'm thinking it - you're probably thinking it too)

US repudiates UN remark on clashes
Official denies US agreed to Security Council statement voicing 'concern at current tense situation in occupied Palestinian territories, including east Jerusalem', but says US didn't block it due to 'procedural confusion'

A US official denied on Friday that Washington had consented to a UN Security Council statement to reporters voicing concern about the fighting between Israeli forces and Palestinians.

Confusion? So the excuse is "we're incompetent"? How about you are liars who just realized how badly you were exposed?!

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Soon to be your real dollar bills

Obviously the following is a nice gag. But the symbolism at this point in time is very strong. Everyone expects hyper inflation with current debt levels and uncontrolled spending, would you buy a lunchtime sandwitch with a 1 million dollar Michelle Obama Dollar bill? Don't be quick to dismiss it - consider Turkey, Zimbabwe and 1920-s Germany as your history lesson...
SET OF 10 BILLS-Michelle Obama Million Dollar Novelty Bills

Buy them now for cheap... only $4.99 for a pack of 10.

I shouldn't ask this - but ok: Did someone make a gag of Gitmo-Dollar bills too? With Holder's face on it?

Monday, March 01, 2010

Antisemites to ban entrance of Israelis who are already banned

Next proclamations:
* They will double hate the Jews.
* Until now they were racist, from now on - they will be racist.
* No more full throttle espionage allowed in Dubai. Oh, except by everyone whose nose doesn't appear too jooooooish
* Dubai will no longer be religiously tolerant. Try saying that keeping a straight face.
* Dubai will no longer stand for being the butt of Dubai jokes. Just the anus.
* Dubai will from now on enable Hamas and Hezbollah operatives to enter and leave as they wish with all the kidnapped Israelis they can stuff in their luggage.
* Next course in Dubai police academy: How to identify a joooooooooish passport.

Dubai's farce of investigation without any proofs and daily accusations is beyond comical. It's almost sad. All this non-stop spying on your citizens and banned internet sites - and nothing to show for...

Look at this guy, someone hire him as a comedian star, quick!

Dubai Restricts Israeli Entry After Killing
Dubai's police chief said it will enforce an entry ban on Israeli dual nationals, the first sanction by the emirate following its allegations Israeli intelligence agents murdered a top Hamas leader there in January.

Though the countries have no diplomatic ties, Israeli dual nationals, mostly business people, have entered the United Arab Emirates relatively unhindered under second passports.

The Emirates will seek to identify Israelis by "physical features and the way they speak.'' said Lt. Gen. Dahi Khalfan Tamim.

A spokesman for the Israeli prime minister's office declined to comment on the announcement.

Shunned throughout most of the Arab world, Israel prizes even the most minimal trapping of normalization with any country the Middle East.