Monday, February 28, 2011

Yea, what he said... Niall Ferguson from Harvard explains Obama's complete failure in foreign policy

The world's on fire, the administration is frighteningly amateurish, and all the dunderheads at MSNBC care about is how to make Obama's policy look "not as bad".

Mika and Joe as well as their entire panel of Obama-drones are completely stunned. Priceless. Bonus more than once, the Israeli point of view is thrown in their face...

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Obama's priorities: Entire army to go through Gay sensitivity training

It's not like there are wars out there, like the world's on fire - priority one: Gay Sensitivity.

Entire U.S. Army to receive gay sensitivity training by the end of the summer...even if they're on the battlefield
The entire U.S. Army will receive gay sensitivity training by the end of the summer, according to a military spokesman.

Combat troops currently deployed in Afghanistan will also be trained while they are in the war zone rather than when they return to their bases on American soil.

The Pentagon's training programme follows on from the repeal of the 'don't ask, don't tell' ban which required gay troops to hide their sexuality.

Read more:

Hey Soldier, stop what you're doing and get all sensitive. It's not about fighting the enemy, but about making your homosexual peer feel good. Yep.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

While UNSC and Obama condemn home for Jews in Jerusalem, Syria building Nukes?

Way to demonstrate priorities. Tell us again Obama how allowing Jews to live in their holy city is "illegitimate", please. While the whole world is burning, and a neighboring terror sponsoring regime is constructing a doomsday device. Catastrophe.

4 nuclear sites found in Syria(YNet)

Syria established four additional nuclear facilities aside from the one bombed by Israel in 2007, the US Institute for Science and International Security (ISIS) reported late Wednesday.

The report, which was published alongside a report by the German daily Sueddeutsche Zeitung, explains that Syria's nuclear program was far more advanced than previously believed and included, in addition to the reactor destroyed at al-Kibar, a uranium conversion facility and three storage sites.

The conversion facility at Marj as-Sultan, according to the report, was apparently intended for processing uranium yellowcake into uranium tetrafluoride (UF4) for the al-Kibar reactor.

The facility's current use is unknown, but the ISIS suspects that after the latter was bombed Syria attempted to disguise its operations. The institute cites commercial satellite images as proof of this.


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

CNN interview with Ehud Barak

Quick link, for now:

Parasitical entity milking US tax funds to build up terrorism, calls for boycott of US

Here's an idea for the world, boycott the "Palestinians"... Stop funding them.

It's almost as if they setup a trap for the US at the UN, and Obama was all too happy to step into it and condemn Israel...

Fatah calls for boycott of US after UNSC veto
The Palestinians on Wednesday stepped up their protest against the US following last Friday's veto against an anti-settleemnt resolution at the UN Security Council by calling for a boycott of the US.

At the request of Fatah, several Palestinian local councils in the Jerusalem area announced that they would boycott the US in protest against the veto.

Grad rockets fired at Be'er Sheva

Time to take out Hamastan and re-instill army controlled occupation.

Grad rockets fired at Be'er Sheva for first time since Gaza war

One missile hit building in residential area, causing damage; no casualties reported; Palestinians report Israeli air strike retaliation, wounding two Islamic Jihad militants.

Three Grad rockets were reportedly fired at Be'er Sheva on Wednesday evening, but so far only one missile is known to have landed in the city, which hit a building in a residential area of the city, causing damage, marking the first time Be'er Sheva was hit since the Gaza war in 2009.

"We heard a noise which sounded like very strong wind, but then we heard the Red Color alert. All of the students ran to the staircase, and we heard the explosion. We still don't know where the Grad fell," a student at Ben-Gurion University told Haaretz.

So far there are no reports of casualties as a result of the strike, but several people suffered from anxiety and received medical treatment.

During Operation Cast Lead in 2009, several rockets were fired at Be'er Sheva and two people were seriously wounded, including a seven-year-old boy.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Comcast discussing distributing Jihad TV: Al Jazeera

So that all of us can celebrate Jihad with the Muslim Brotherhood official TV.

Al Jazeera in Talks With Comcast Over U.S. Distribution (Wired)

"Just talks" ... for now.

Sample of "Unbiased Arab News Channel" work, a party for a murderer of Jewish child:

More fun, Dhimmy Loony Moonbat Colmes tried two weeks ago to excuse Al-Jazeera's blatant anti-Semitism, got schooled by O'Reilly:

In case one wonders, who would want Jihad TV propagating their message here; wonder no more...

PS: Israeli cable and satellite companies deliver the Arabic version as well as other networks from hostile nations broadcasting in Arabic... smart.

EU to Israel: Quick, make peace - so the Arabs can accept land and cancel peace - before it's too late

It would make such a funny satire-type comedy, if it wasn't the reality in which we live.

EU tells Israel: Mideast turmoil makes peace talks imperative
The European Union is telling Israel that growing instability in the Middle East makes it imperative to immediately resume the stalled peace process with the Palestinians.

Hungary's foreign minister Janos Martonyi, whose country currently chairs the EU, told his Israeli counterpart Avigdor Lieberman on Tuesday that time is pressing and that the Israeli-Palestinian talks remain the core issue.

Lieberman, who is holding talks with the EU as part of a decade-old association agreement, also said it was important to resume direct peace talks with the Palestinian Authority.

Palestinians insist they will not restart the talks until Israel halts settlement building in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, which they want as a capital. Israel has accused the Palestinians of stalling and using the settlement construction as an excuse.

First give them everything, then negotiate - than they'll denounce any treaty and return to murdering you... hey, Israelis why aren't you making peace with these lovely people yet?

Oh yea, it might have something to do with this lovely looking guy:

The devil.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Two years in, the horrendous Obama legacy

Bullet points:

* Demolished former peace negotiations and chances of peace in Israel with new Obama originated demands against settlements
* Alienated strongest ally in war on terror, the UK
* Lost vastly important strategic ally of US in fighting Al-Queda, Husney Mubarak
* Isolated Israel in the international arena by giving back winds to UN maneuvers
* Caused Afghanistan situation to deteriorate by favoring election time rhetoric as policy
* Bankrupt the USA
* Instill communists and revolutionaries in key government positions inside the USA
* Alienating freedom seeking Hondurans by supporting a communist dictator wannabe.
* Deteriorate race relations by allowing left media portray any opposition to policy as anti-black racism

Did I forget anything?

Some thoughts about Facebook revolutions and flash-mobs

Is Facebook just a website? Is it just where you post random shallow thoughts and check on your friends’ same level of public mind numbness?

In a very basic way, sure it is. That’s all you use it for. You like a page; you see a ‘like’ icon and click it. But you do a lot more when you do so. You actually ‘share’ this site with everyone else you have connected to on Facebook. You know that, yet you don’t think of its ramifications.

When you ‘like’, you participate in a mass distribution of web content that in potential could be much stronger than just being found on a web search. You ‘like’ a link, and you ‘follow’ a page and without giving it much more thought – you participate in voluntary word to mouth web based mass control.

There are dozens of ‘flash-mob’ you-tube videos showing that people who in general are not part of a cohesive group would gather at one spot and do something – usually something silly. People might gather for ‘fun’, or for a charity, or for a religious cause – and all of these videos show smiley happy people. Those who originated these flash-mobs might not have given it much thought them-selves. It could have easily started out as a fun prank, or seeing other flash-mobs and wanting to try out your own chain-lettering through Facebook.

But the result as it seems to me is, that these flash-mobs through Facebook mass ‘social tree’ distribution was a very successful experiment in mass people control and web based community organizing. It was shown that the first demonstrations in the Middle East were instigated by certain Facebook pages setup by Google execs. And Google, through its own power over highlighted content has tweaked the flow of information to achieve maximum distribution.

Facebook is not just a phenomenon of a successful young entrepreneur who created a ‘cool’ site where one meets his friends. It is a social phenomenon which certain groups have managed to facilitate for the purpose of community organizing.

I’m not claiming it is ‘evil’. Sure, some will – especially with concerns for privacy and how some people get completely sucked into online presence. But I am reflecting on how Facebook’s power in ‘social tree based distribution’ is pulling so many people’s strings.

Flashmobs? What moved you to join?

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Human Rights Watch Hires A Terrorist, Beause They Care About Humans

And it would seem Jews murdered by terrorists don't count as humans anymore.

Via EoZ

Alleged Terror Activist Lands Human Rights Post
Harold Evans, author of two histories of America, just published his memoir, My Paper Chase. Editor at large of The Week, he was editor of The Sunday Times from 1967-81 and The Times from 1981-82, founding editor of Condé Nast Traveler, and president of Random House Trade Group from 1990-97.

Israel's Supreme Court says Shawan Jabarin leads a double life, as a human rights activist who also has a secret association with a terrorist organization. Human Rights Watch says he does invaluable work for peace, but its founding chairman and others consider Jabarin’s appointment shocking.

Even Jordan wouldn't let this cretin in.

CBS Sends a blond white reporter without head scarf into Arab Muslim crowds, resulting in 30 minutes 'sexual assult by many men' while yelled at: "Jew! Jew!"

Horrifying. Israelis, Jews, DO NOT GO WILLY NILLY into Muslim Arab crowds, countries, neighborhoods! My exclamation here is not racism, it is my observation regarding the reality of the savagery these monsters exhibit.

She was brutally 'sexually assaulted by many men' because they thought she was Jewish. Now let's accept with open arms the secular Muslim Brotherhood into western countries.

Secular Egyptian democracy lovers shouted "Jew! Jew!" during their brutal sexual assault of "60 Minutes" reporter Lara Logan

A network source told The Post that her attackers were screaming, "Jew! Jew!" during the assault. And the day before, Logan had told that Egyptian soldiers hassling her and her crew had accused them of "being Israeli spies." Logan is not Jewish.


Westerners should recognize by now the savagery of Arab Muslims and stop sending naive uncovered women to cover 'the word on the street'. The word on the street is violence, hate, savagery.

Final note: I initially used the words 'gang rape', and these were not explicitly mentioned by the news outlet. Out of respect for the victim, and not wishing to add imagery to the horror, I changed the headline and content where it's mentioned. My best wishes for recovery to her and her family.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Death of Peace: Jordanian Justice Minister calls Murderer of Jewish Children Hero who Should Be Freed

Hero to him BECAUSE he murdered Jewish children. I do remember when the mass murderer committed the terror act he was labeled as 'just some crazy guy'. We've seen enough of these crazies - now we find them in the Jordanian government.

Inspector Nazi Cluzo at your service.

Jordan minister rallies for killer of Israelis
In an unprecedented move, Jordan's new justice minister on Monday joined dozens of protesters demanding the early release of a Jordanian soldier who killed seven Israeli school girls in 1997.

Monday's protest outside Mjali's office was organized by Daqamseh's family. Mjali joined the protesters, saying he was participating in his capacity as the soldier's former lawyer. "I'm committed to be here with you as his lawyer," Mjali told the cheering group.

Israeli Embassy spokeswoman Merav Horsandi said it "is difficult for us to comprehend how there are people who support the release of a cold-blooded murderer of young children."

New York Times Mocks Israel for Fearing Egyptian 'Hope and Change'

The Whitehouse 'semi spokesman' who has shown his hate of Israel in the past, is celebrating the demise of Mubarak while verbally abusing Israel. Classy.

Choice words:
Israel today has the most out-of-touch, in-bred, unimaginative and cliché-driven cabinet it has ever had.

Echoing the spirit of the Iranian stooge agent Al-Baradai:
Israel will have no choice but to make peace with 80 million Egyptians – instead of with just one man
What does it mean 'making peace with 80 millions and not one person'? I don't think Friedman understands. He might think it means supporting democracy and freedom, but to the people of Egypt it means something different all together. Something evil and sinister.

Read the rest here, NYT: Postcard From Cairo, Part 2

Friedman might have a valid point to make, he just chose once again to verbally abuse Israel and it's leaders. To be clear, I don't think his point is correct anyways - instability is not positive, and his feel-goody-hopefulness is as always out of touch and as before leads to disasters.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Homeless shelter project in Jerusalem seeking internet support

Got an email, thought my readers might want to participate in the online vote:

Student en route to win int'l social innovation contest
A 20-year-old Bar-Ilan University student is on his way to win an international contest for socially innovative students, after proposing the foundation of a homeless shelter in Jerusalem.

Dovid Levine, an oleh from New Jersey who has been in Israel since 2005, started Matzav - short for Merkaz l'Tzrachim Basisim, or Center for Basic Needs. He and the students that help him plan to open a shelter that will also help Jerusalem's homeless gain the tools they need to improve their lives and change their situation.

Levine has entered Matzav in the Dell Social Innovation Competition, a joint effort between The University of Texas at Austin, an international search for university students "with innovative ideas to solve a social or environmental problem," with a cash prize of over $100,000 to at least five winning teams.

Matzav is the only Israeli idea in the top twenty, ranking at fourth place in early February, but Levine calls for action over this idea. The more votes the idea gets, the more likely it is to win the grant.

"People are always lookign for ways to give back and help those in need. This is one of the few times where it's effortless," Levine told The Jerusalem Post. "By winning this contest, we will be able to start the process of creating a homeless shelter in Jerusalem, something that is sorely lacking.

"I first got exposed to the issue of homelessness when I came to Israeli in tenth grade [on the Jewish Agency's Naale Elite Academy Program]," Levine says, adding that growing up in suburban New Jersey, he had never been "exposed to such high levels of homelessness and poverty as in cities like Tel Aviv and Jerusalem."

Click here to make a difference.

Good luck!

Beck: What's the Red-Green Alliance?

Evil bastards.

One thing that unites them, Anti-Semitism.

Image from Beck's The Blaze.

The full PDF report can be found here:

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Why lefties are un-useful idiots, agenda driven liars

Implant a few words one never said, inject a few falsehoods and revisionism - and voila! Huff-Po 'associate professor' lies that Israelis say Neo-Cons are useful idiots. I see an idiot, I find no use...

US Neocons, Likudniks and useful Professors

The face of an idiot.

Mubarak slams USA: snowball (of civil unrest) won't stop in Egypt and it wouldn't skip any Arab country

Obama's regime in a sentence: "they don't know what they're talking about and the result will be extremism and radical Islam"

Mubarak slammed U.S. in phone call with Israeli MK before resignation
Hosni Mubarak had harsh words for the United States and what he described as its misguided quest for democracy in the Middle East in a telephone call with an Israeli lawmaker a day before he quit as Egypt's president.

The legislator, former cabinet minister Benjamin Ben-Eliezer, said on TV Friday that he came away from the 20-minute conversation on Thursday with the feeling the 82-year-old leader realized "it was the end of the Mubarak era".

"He had very tough things to say about the United States," said Ben-Eliezer, a member of the Labor Party who has held talks with Mubarak on numerous occasions while serving in various Israeli coalition governments.

"He gave me a lesson in democracy and said: 'We see the democracy the United States spearheaded in Iran and with Hamas, in Gaza, and that's the fate of the Middle East,'" Ben-Eliezer said.

"'They may be talking about democracy but they don't know what they're talking about and the result will be extremism and radical Islam,'" he quoted Mubarak as saying.

U.S. support for pro-democracy elements in Iran has not led to regime change in the Islamic Republic, and Hamas, a group Washington considers to be a terrorist organization, won a 2006 Palestinian election promoted by the United States.

Hamas seized control of the Gaza Strip in 2007 after a coalition government it formed with Western-backed Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas collapsed in a power struggle.

Ben-Eliezer said Mubarak expanded in the telephone call on "what he expects will happen in the Middle East after his fall".

"He contended the snowball (of civil unrest) won't stop in Egypt and it wouldn't skip any Arab country in the Middle East and in the Gulf.

"He said 'I won't be surprised if in the future you see more extremism and radical Islam and more disturbances -- dramatic changes and upheavals," Ben-Eliezer added.

Egypt in 1979 became the first Arab country to sign a peace treaty with Israel and has backed U.S.-led efforts to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Last week, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned of an Iran-style Islamist revolution in Egypt should Mubarak's Muslim Brotherhood rivals eventually take over.

"He repeated the sentence, 'I have been serving my country, Egypt, for 61 years. Do they want me to run away? I won't run away. Do they want to throw me out? I won't leave. If need be, I will be killed here,'" Ben-Eliezer said.

My thought: I don't believe that he stole 71 Billion dollars as the propagandists reported, I was disgusted by this line being accepted by the likes of Bill O'Reilly. I'm puzzled by the Swiss government freeze of Mubarak assets as well as former Tunisian president's assets. On what legal grounds precisely? Look, I'm not in favor of brutal dictators milking their people and running away with the loot, but I feel we are not being told the true story here. Not the sums, not the reason. What rules guide the Swiss banks these days?

'Egypt will abide by its peace treaty with Israel'

I sure hope so, but at this phase of uncertainty and assured further regime transformation, one can doubt this statement will hold for long.

Egypt's Military Rulers Promises to Abide by International Agreements
The ruling military pledged Saturday to eventually hand power to an elected civilian government and reassured allies that Egypt will abide by its peace treaty with Israel after the ouster of President Hosni Mubarak, as it outlined the first cautious steps in a promised transition to greater democracy.


Friday, February 11, 2011

Obama and Muslim Brotherhood Rejoice: Mubarak Leaves

Brave New Anti Semitic Holocaust Committing World!

The End.

Mubarak resigns; hands power to Egyptian military
President Hosni Mubarak resigned Friday and handed power to the Egyptian military, setting off wild celebrations among protesters across the country who had demanded his ouster for the last 18 days.

When the announcement by Vice President Omar Suleiman was broadcast in Cairo's Tahrir Square, the epicenter of the protets, pandemonium broke out as huge throngs of demonstrators realized they had acheived their goal.

Egyptians jumped up and down, pumped their fists, waved their flags and hugged each other, jubilant that they had forced Mubarak's removal after 30 years of authoritarian rule.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Astonishing ignorance: Director of National Intelligence says Muslim Brotherhood largely secular

My left testicle has more integrity and brain power than this clown. Our security is in good hands... sure.

A Regime Of Doo-Doo heads.

DNI Clapper: Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood 'largely secular'
During a House Intelligence Committee hearing Thursday, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper called Egypt's branch of the Muslim Brotherhood movement "largely secular."

In response to questioning from Rep. Sue Myrick (R-N.C.) about the threat posed by the group, Clapper suggested that the Egyptian part of the Brotherhood is not particularly extreme and that the broader international movement is hard to generalize about.

"The term 'Muslim Brotherhood' an umbrella term for a variety of movements, in the case of Egypt, a very heterogeneous group, largely secular, which has eschewed violence and has decried Al Qaeda as a perversion of Islam," Clapper said. "They have pursued social ends, a betterment of the political order in Egypt, et cetera.....In other countries, there are also chapters or franchises of the Muslim Brotherhood, but there is no overarching agenda, particularly in pursuit of violence, at least internationally."

The Brotherhood uses the slogan, "Islam is the answer," and generally advocates for government in accordance with Islamic principles. The movement has as a broad goal unifying what it perceives as Muslim lands, from Spain to Indonesia, as a "caliphate."

Myrick interrupted Clapper at one point, saying her concern isn't simply with the violence but with the Brotherhood's beliefs regarding government.

"The danger of the Muslim Brotherhood is not just encouraging terrorism through their ideology, but also trying to take over government, so everyone has to succumb and live under their ideology," Myrick said.

Mubarak steps down!

Future unknown.

Egypt PM says Mubarak may step down: BBC
(Reuters) - Egyptian Prime Minister Ahmed Shafiq told Britain's BBC that President Hosni Mubarak may step down and the situation in the country will be clarified soon, the British broadcaster said Thursday.

Saudi king conducts stormy phone call to Obama

Obama is a petulant child intent on demolishing sand castles. The biggest problem is that these are not made of sand - it's the somewhat peaceful world order we live in.

To be clear, this is an international diplomatic crisis, with ramification to the energy markets, observe the following quote:
The revelation of Saudi concerns sheds new light on America's apparent diplomatic paralysis and lays bare the biggest rift between the nations since the oil price shock of 1973.

Obama - an international catastrophe.

Radicals of a feather...

Saudi-rift story: (fox-news)
Report: Saudis Warned Obama Not to 'Humiliate' Mubarak
Saudi Arabia has threatened to prop up embattled Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak if the Obama administration tries to force a swift change of regime in Egypt, The Times of London reported Thursday.

In a testy personal telephone call on Jan. 29, Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah reportedly told President Obama not to humiliate Mubarak and warned that he would step in to bankroll Egypt if the U.S. withdrew its aid program, worth $1.5 billion annually.

America's closest ally in the Gulf made clear that the Egyptian president must be allowed to stay on to oversee the transition towards peaceful democracy and then leave with dignity.

"Mubarak and King Abdullah are not just allies, they are close friends, and the King is not about to see his friend cast aside and humiliated," a senior source in the Saudi capital told The Times.

Two sources confirmed details of the King's call, made four days after the people of Egypt took to the streets.

The revelation of Saudi concerns sheds new light on America's apparent diplomatic paralysis and lays bare the biggest rift between the nations since the oil price shock of 1973.

The tough line from Riyadh is driven by concern that Western governments were too eager to shove aside Mubarak when the uprising began, without proper consideration of what should follow him.

"With Egypt in chaos, the kingdom is Washington's only major ally left in the Arab world and the Saudis want the Americans to remember that," said a source in Riyadh.

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Tunisia violence continues...

Some raise the potential for yet another radical Muslim regime emerging.

New Violence in Tunisia May Seal Fate of Muslim Revolution
Five people were killed in Tunisia last week as an upsurge of violence threatens to turn the revolution for freedom into a state of anarchy or the seed for a radical Muslim regime of rule by force.

Last month’s street revolution forced long-time Tunisian ruler Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali to flee and touched off more revolutionary movements in Jordan and Egypt. Ben Ali’s demise was the first time in the Arab world that a popular protest toppled a government, a phenomenon that has frightened other Muslim rulers.

Caretaker president Fouad Mebazaa is ruling by decree, allowing him to bypass the legislature.

The revolution for democracy in Tunisia was followed by looting and violence, including the burning of a small synagogue and its Torah scroll.

Police have fanned out throughout the country’s streets and faced gangs and protesters, resulting in the killing of at least five people. Opposing crowds set one police station and a high school on fire as political protesters returned to the streets, demanding that the caretaker government get rid of corrupt officials.

Egypt: Iran and Hezbullah behind revolt

Yea... they forgot to mention Google, Hamas, Facebook, and the global Socialist/Communist movement with their community organizing and labor union power.

In short, pick your agitator, they are all there.

Egypt: Hizbullah and Iran want to 'ignite the region'
Cairo spokesman says Nasrallah walking in footsteps of his mentor, Khamenei; Hizbullah denies escaped terrorist returned to Lebanon.

Hizbullah leader Hassan Nasrallah is "walking in the footsteps of his mentor," Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Egyptian Foreign Ministry spokesman Husam Zaki told the Saudi daily al-Watan on Wednesday.

The spokesman accused the two Shi'ite leaders of wanting "to ignite the region."

"Nasrallah does not have the right to accuse Egypt of being a follower of Israel and the US at a time when he works on shattering the unified front in Palestine and Lebanon to implement Iranian agendas," Zaki said.

Hizbullah did not address comments from the Egyptian Foreign Ministry, but it did say that one of its senior members who escaped from an Egyptian prison during the unrest surrounding anti-government protests in that country was still in Egypt. Reuters had previously reported that Sami Chehab had arrived in Lebanon, according to London-based A-Sharq Al-Awsat Arabic language newspaper.

Hizbullah said that it would have properly welcomed Chehab, who was arrested last year for allegedly plotting to attack targets in Egypt, if he had arrived in Lebanon.

Also on Wednesday, Egyptian Vice President Omar Suleiman said that terror organizations are the primary threat to the security of Egypt and that many operatives of al-Qaida and other Jihadist organizations had escaped from the country's prisons recently. Suleiman also told Egyptian paper Al-Ahram that those terrorist organizations had refused to stop the violence and unrest in Egypt, which he seemed to blame on them.

My thought, if Saudi Arabia doesn't wake up and begin strengthening the 'moderate' Sunni forces in Lebanon, it will face the same type of revolt as in Egypt. 'Tiny' Hezbullah from Lebanon is engaged in a global conspiracy of blood and terror.

On the other hand, what is a 'moderate' in the Arab world from an Israeli perspective?

Monday, February 07, 2011

Israeli retiring chief of staff: Get Ready For All Out War

Badly auto-translated : here. Hebrew version: here.

Outgoing Major General Ashkenazi.

Lately there's been an ugly internal generals war over the public airways. Israelis in general are disgusted by the dirty laundry exposed which no one wished to be informed of. The outgoing general is very well respected and admired for reforming and strengthening the military after disappointment with his predecessors professional execution.

In other news, Hezbollah's chief cum consumer - Nasrallah - states clearly who is behind the revolt in Egypt and what is the goal: Hizbullah chief says during solidarity rally with people of Egypt, Tunisia that "protests will push out regime that has maintained peace with Israel."

Turkey grows trade with Iran, challenging world's sanctions regime.

Hope 'n Change

ElBaradei explains worth of peace agreements with Muslims: Israel Has Peace Agreement With Mubarak, Not Egypt

The man is a criminal, who has wasted western countries resources as head of IAEA and ran interference in order to promote an Iranian nuke. But don't worry, he's a 'moderate'.

ElBaradei: Israel Has Peace Agreement With Mubarak, Not Egypt
One of the key leaders in Egypt’s anti-government movement is continuing to make waves, suggesting that he could soon go from being an “agent of change” to the country’s next president. But what does that mean for Egypt and her allies?

In a new interview with Der Speigel, Mohamed ElBaradei suggests that the region may soon experience an “Arab spring,” and distances the policies of the Hosni Mubarak administration from the future of Egypt, including a peaceful past alliance with Israel. When asked specifically how a new government potentially including the controversial Muslim Brotherhood would affect Egypt’s relationship with Israel, ElBaradei said that Israelis need to understand it’s “impossible to make peace with a single man.”

“At the moment, they have a peace treaty with Mubarak, but not one with the Egyptian people,” El Baradei said. “The Israelis should understand that it is in their long-term interest to have a democratic Egypt as a neighbor, and that it is prudent to acknowledge the legitimate interests of the Palestinians and to grant them their own state.”

The interview, quoted on 'The-Blaze', is available at Spiegel Online.

Never mind what Israel has given up for this peace. Never mind that it was not Mubarack who signed the treaty, rather his predecessor. It's Israel who needs to recognize it made peace with a single man.

It's in Israel's best interest to have the Muslim Brotherhood in power and pursue their goal to eliminate the Jewish people... sure. Thanks El-Baradai - Ya-Khmar.

Saturday, February 05, 2011

Is Soros behind Egypt unrest and is the Obama regime acting as nothing more than a puppet?

I've finished reading the book "The Shadow Party", a very recommended read.

If you contribute to David Horowitz's fund, he'll send you the book for free.

While reading this, I've been following the news from Egypt and everything seemed to follow the playbook for revolution mentioned in the book as Soros' fingerprint.

Now, I'm not a journalist and won't dig very deep into this. I raise the question and present you with a couple of links and a thought:

* What’s Behind the Tumult in Egypt? (fpj - showing Soros' OSI involvement)

* George Soros: Why Obama has to get Egypt right (WaPo: Where Soros injects himself directly into this, and puts blame on Israel - marking his next long term target)

* Proof George Soros is behind Egypt's Revolution (some blog, with a very suspicious name - was that sarcasm or a threat?)

* The Social Networking Behind Egypt’s Unrest (taking evidence a bit away from the argument that Soros is involved, yet places it very close to where pulls his marionette strings)

My thought, if Soros is not behind this, why is he opening his Dr.Evil 'one million dollar' mouth here? Soros only speaks about global politics when he is directly manipulating it, and seldom is he candid. To one side he says he is not involved, while to the other he boasts his success in toppling regimes. One spooky evil SOB.